
The "pre-build" field is used to specify pre-build commands, which will be executed before build commands such as moon check|build|test.

"pre-build" is an array, where each element is an object containing input, output, and command fields. The input and output fields can be strings or arrays of strings, while the command field is a string. In the command, you can use any shell commands, as well as the $input and $output variables, which represent the input and output files, respectively. If these fields are arrays, they will be joined with spaces by default.

Currently, there is a built-in special command :embed, which converts files into MoonBit source code. The --text parameter is used to embed text files, and --binary is used for binary files. --text is the default and can be omitted. The --name parameter is used to specify the generated variable name, with resource being the default. The command is executed in the directory where the moon.pkg.json file is located.

  "pre-build": [
      "input": "a.txt",
      "output": "a.mbt",
      "command": ":embed -i $input -o $output"

If the content of a.txt in the current package directory is:


After running moon build, the following a.mbt file will be generated in the directory where the moon.pkg.json is located:

let resource : String =